
field名—·专业·领域·地·方面·场·实地·科·田名.·.字段名.·.野名.·.田间名.·.田地名.·.视野名.·.田野名.,委員在不同界別具豐富經驗及/或專業資歷,這包括醫學、公共衞生、獸醫科、食物科學、食物業、教育、公關管理、漁農業和社會服務等。,Aprofessionisafieldofworkthathasbeensuccessfullyprofessionalized.Itcanbedefinedasadisciplinedgroupofindividuals,professionals, ...,CareerPaths&FieldsofStudy.5.Education&am...

professional field - 英中

field 名 — · 专业 · 领域 · 地 · 方面 · 场 · 实地 · 科 · 田 名. ·. 字段 名. ·. 野 名. ·. 田间 名. ·. 田地 名. ·. 视野 名. ·. 田野 名.

fields of profession - 英中 - Linguee

委員在不同界別具豐富經驗及/或專業資歷,這包括醫學、公共衞生、獸醫科、食物科學、食物業、教育、公關管理、 漁農業和社會服務等。


A profession is a field of work that has been successfully professionalized. It can be defined as a disciplined group of individuals, professionals, ...

[PDF] Career Paths & Fields of Study

Career Paths & Fields of Study. 5. Education & Training. 6. Finance. 7. Government & Public Administration. 8. Health Science. Job Examples. Average Salaries.

professional field中文- 英漢詞典

professional field中文的意思、翻譯及用法:專業領域。英漢詞典提供【professional field】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.

Career Options: 13 Fields to Explore

Career options: 13 career fields to explore · 1. Architecture and engineering field · 2. Arts, culture and entertainment field · 3. Business, ...

chosen fieldcareerprofession etc

the job or activity you have decided to do. He was very successful in his chosen career as a barrister.

Career Fields

Wake Tech offers programs in 13 career fields – groups of occupations that require similar knowledge and skills. Nursing · Dental Hygiene · Medical Assisting · Information Technology

A Guide to 20 Career Fields

A career field is a method of classifying a specific industry or group of job titles. It is a term that you will often see on recruitment ...